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发布时间:2024-10-22 14:44:01 丨 浏览次数:288

本文摘要:HONG KONG — As companies listed in China continue to suffer fallout from the stock market collapse, the Chinese ride-sharing app Didi Kuaidi on Wednesday showed why it is good to be——随着在中国上市的公司之后因为股市下跌而不受影响,中国拼车软件滴滴慢的周三指出了为何不上市对公司不利。

HONG KONG — As companies listed in China continue to suffer fallout from the stock market collapse, the Chinese ride-sharing app Didi Kuaidi on Wednesday showed why it is good to be——随着在中国上市的公司之后因为股市下跌而不受影响,中国拼车软件滴滴慢的周三指出了为何不上市对公司不利。The company, whose smartphone services connect users to taxis and private drivers, said in a statement that it had raised $2 billion in a new round of fund-raising, and might raise still more.滴滴慢的在声明中称之为,公司已在新一轮融资中筹得20亿美元,而且这个数字有可能还不会减少。滴滴快的的智能手机服务可以把用户与出租车和私家车司机联系一起。Didi Kuaidi set out to raise $1.5 billion on June 22, according to its president, Jean Liu. Within five days, the goal had been met, and now the company has closed on at least $2 billion.总裁柳青回应,公司原计划从6月22日开始融资15亿美元。

结果,滴滴慢的在五天内就已完成了这个目标,如今则已筹得最少20亿美元。‘‘All of our investors are super-long-term investors, and they won’t get affected by short-term hiccup’’ in the stock market, Ms. Liu said. ‘‘They see another Alibaba coming.’’“我们的所有投资者都是超强长年投资者,他们会因为(股市的)短期波动而不受影响,”柳青说道。

“他们看见了另一个阿里巴巴。”After one of the largest private fund-raising rounds completed by a start-up, Didi Kuaidi’s ability to attract money shows that investor enthusiasm for popular and fast-growing Chinese start-ups remains unquenched, despite the recent downturn in the markets.滴滴快的的融资,是初创企业所已完成的规模仅次于的私人融资之一。它更有资金的能力指出,尽管最近股市暴跌,投资者对颇受欢迎且发展很快的中国初创企业的热情仍并未消退。

The success of the round also highlights the differences between the top venture capital firms and ordinary investors. As individual investors scramble to pull their money out of sagging stock markets, professionals looking to capitalize on the longer-term growth of start-up stars like Didi Kuaidi remain undeterred.此次融资的顺利还凸显了顶级风险投资公司和普通投资者之间的区别。不顾一切个人投资者争先恐后地把他们的钱从暴跌的股市中拿走来时,期望从滴滴慢的等初创企业之星的长年快速增长中受益的专业人士未被吓到。After the fund-raising round, Didi Kuaidi has cash reserves of $3.5 billion, which it said it would spend on building new services, financing research in data analytics and improving customer experiences.融资完结后,滴滴快的的现金储备超过了35亿美元。

公司回应,这笔钱将用来建构新的服务、为数据分析的研究获取资金及提高用户体验。The success of the new round is probably a response to the fast growth of Uber in China. The American ride-hailing service has seen its popularity in China go through the roof since it began offering major subsidies to both drivers and passengers. It has inspired a gangsta rap fan song in China.新一轮融资的顺利,也许也是对优步(Uber)在中国的很快发展的对此。自从开始向司机和乘客获取大量补贴,这家美国微信服务公司在中国的热门程度经常出现攀升。

中国甚至还有人为它写出了一首匪帮饶舌风格的粉丝之歌。But Didi Kuaidi was born in competition as the amalgam of two companies, Didi Dache and Kuaidi Dache, that spent heavily and competed ruthlessly for market share in 2013 and 2014 before joining forces.但是,滴滴慢的问世于竞争之中,由滴滴微信和慢的微信这两家公司拆分而出。在拆分前的2013年和2014年,这两家公司为争夺战市场份额投放了大量资金并展开了残忍的竞争。

In response to Uber’s challenge, Didi Kuaidi began its own private car service, called Kuaiche, and said it would spend $1 billion renminbi, or about $160 million, on subsidies.为了应付优步的挑战,滴滴慢的开始了自己被称作“快车”的私家车服务。公司回应将投资10亿元人民币用作补贴。Ms. Liu, the Didi Kuaidi president, was reluctant to say whether any of the company’s new cash would help the company compete with Uber. But she left the option open. ‘‘What I want to emphasize is, we have $3.5 billion in hand,’’ Ms. Liu said. ‘‘We can be disciplined and at the same time flexible in terms of how we enlarge the market.’’滴滴快的的总裁柳青不不愿透漏,最近筹得的资金否将用作与优步竞争。




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