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发布时间:2024-10-21 14:44:01 丨 浏览次数:288

本文摘要:The Made in Germany brand is alive and well at BMW, which recorded another sales volume record in the third quarter. But concerns about Chinas economy dominate and the uncertainty could prompt a weakening outlook.就宝马(BMW)的情况而言,“德国生产”这块看板仍然具备很强的号召力。

The Made in Germany brand is alive and well at BMW, which recorded another sales volume record in the third quarter. But concerns about Chinas economy dominate and the uncertainty could prompt a weakening outlook.就宝马(BMW)的情况而言,“德国生产”这块看板仍然具备很强的号召力。今年第三季度,该公司销量再度刷新纪录。但是,目前人们广泛对中国经济深感担忧,这种不确定性可能会使该公司的前景受到影响。The Munich-based premium carmaker said operating profit rose 4.3 per cent from a year ago to ㈠.35bn in the third quarter, ahead of forecasts at ㈠.16bn这家总部坐落于慕尼黑的豪车制造商回应,今年第三季度的营业利润同比快速增长4.3%,至23.5亿欧元,低于21.6亿欧元的预测值。

Revenues accelerated 14 per cent to ㈠2.35bn, matching estimates. Profit before tax rose significantly, up 12.8 per cent to ㈠.26bn.营业收入快速增长14%,至223.5亿欧元,合乎预期。税前利润“大幅度”快速增长12.8%,至22.6亿欧元。The company cited particular growth in the US and Europe, saying that the latter is becoming increasingly capable of compensating for the slower growth rate in China. It forecasts the worlds automobile market to grow by a total of 2.1 per cent in 2015.宝马提及,公司在美国和欧洲的快速增长最为快速增长,称之为欧洲市场“于是以显得越发需要抵销中国增长速度上升的影响。

”宝马预计,2015年全球汽车市场的总体增长率将为2.1%。BMW said turbulence on Chinas stock markets was a source of much concern as the countrys stock market lost trillions of dollars worth of equity value from mid-June, giving rise to worries about growth in the worlds second largest economy. There is growing uncertainty as to how Chinas economy will perform in the future. If Chinese market conditions become more challenging, we cannot rule out a possible effect on our outlook, the company said.宝马回应:“中国股市的动荡不安引起相当大忧虑。


In the first nine months of the year, sales grew by 7.5 per cent, led by a double-digit gain in Europe, which accounts for 45 per cent of sales, and an 8.6 per cent rise in Asia ex-China, which takes a 13 per cent share. Sales in China, which account for more than a fifth of global sales, rose only 2 per cent (see graphic below).今年前三个季度,宝马销量减少了7.5%,欧洲市场增幅仅次于,为两位数。欧洲市场占到宝马总销量的45%。




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