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霍金公开其博士论文 致使网站瘫痪-HTH官网

发布时间:2024-10-12 14:44:02 丨 浏览次数:354

本文摘要:For the first time ever, influential British scientist Stephen Hawkings doctoral thesis is available to the public -- if you can get the web page to load.极具影响力的英国科学家史蒂芬·霍金的博士论文,于日前首度对公众对外开放--当然,如果你能关上网页展开iTunes的话。

For the first time ever, influential British scientist Stephen Hawkings doctoral thesis is available to the public -- if you can get the web page to load.极具影响力的英国科学家史蒂芬·霍金的博士论文,于日前首度对公众对外开放--当然,如果你能关上网页展开iTunes的话。In honor of Open Access Week, the University of Cambridge put the 1966 PhD thesis, Properties of Expanding Universes, on its open access repository. Shortly after it went live, requests to view the research crashed the website.为了祝贺对外开放提供周,剑桥大学于近日将霍金1966年的博士论文《宇宙收缩的性质》放到了其对外开放提供知识库上。

在论文上线旋即之后,网页的催促导致该网站中断了。We have had a huge response to Professor Hawkings decision to make his PhD thesis publicly available to download, with almost 60,000 downloads in less than 24 hours, spokesman Stuart Roberts said. As a result, visitors to our open access site may find that it is performing slower than usual and may at times be temporarily unavailable.发言人斯图亚特·罗伯特回应:“在霍金要求对外公开发表其博士论文iTunes之后,我们取得了极大反响,将近24个小时内下载量近6万。结果,来我们对外开放提供网站的参观者们不会找到,网站关上要比平时快,有时有可能临时无法访问。”Its wonderful to hear how many people have already shown an interest in downloading my thesis -- hopefully they wont be disappointed now that they finally have access to it! Hawking said in a statement before the website crashed.霍金在网站中断前公开发表的声明中称之为:“听见有这么多人对于iTunes我的论文感兴趣,这感叹太好了--期望他们在取得后会沮丧。

”By making my PhD thesis Open Access, I hope to inspire people around the world to look up at the stars and not down at their feet; to wonder about our place in the universe and to try and make sense of the cosmos, he said.他说:“通过将我的博士论文对外开放提供,我期望鼓舞世界各地的人们云彩星星,而不是匍脚下;想要告诉我们在宇宙中的方位,并尝试和解读宇宙。”Anyone, anywhere in the world should have free, unhindered access to not just my research, but to the research of every great and inquiring mind across the spectrum of human understanding.“世界上任何人、任何地方都应当是权利的,不不受妨碍地采访某种程度是我的研究,而且应当是对人类解读范围内的每一个最出色的、鼓舞人心的研究。”Hawkings life, including his battle with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis -- known as ALS or Lou Gehrigs disease -- was made into a 2014 biopic, The Theory of Everything, starring Eddie Redmayne霍金的一生,还包括他与肌萎缩侧索硬化症(亦称“ALS”或卢伽雷氏病)的战斗,月底2014年被摄制出由埃迪·雷特梅尼领衔主演的电影《万物理论》。



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